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Mon, 05/28/2018 - 13:19

The Laci-1 and Laci-2 trials, led by Professor Joanna Wardlaw at the University of Edinburgh, were featured in several recent press releases. These studies, funded by the British Heart Foundation and the Alzheimer's Society, focus on lacunar stroke which affects the small bloods vessels of the brain. 

Cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate are being test both individually and in... Read more

Fri, 05/18/2018 - 14:39

Dr Michael Stringer, Research fellow in magnetic resonance imaging and image analysis at the University of Edinburgh, is visiting the team at the University of Southern California. His seminar on 23rd May, 3:30-4:30 pm (PST) at the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute will be available to stream live.

Michael will present his research 'Small Vessel Disease: Cerebrovascular... Read more

Thu, 04/12/2018 - 15:34

Team members from Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto visited the research group in Edinburgh today. Brad MacIntosh, Sarah Atwi, Andrew Lim and Joel Ramirez visited the MRI and Sleep clinic facilities, and discussed plans for the clinical work being carried out as part of the Fondation Leducq funded study


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Thu, 04/12/2018 - 15:19

The third meeting of the Fondation Leducq funded network to understand the role of the perivascular space in small vessel disease took place on 10-11th April at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The meeting was organised by the Leducq fellows at the University of Edinburgh and over 50 members of the network were in attendance. 
As part of a busy agenda, we heard research updates form each... Read more

Fri, 02/23/2018 - 14:33

Imaging fluid flow in the brain – relation to dementia?  

Medical Research Scotland PhD Studentship with support from Siemens Healthcare

Academic Supervisors: Prof Ian Marshall, Prof Joanna Wardlaw and Dr Michael Thrippleton, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

Industrial Supervisor: Dr Craig Buckley, Siemens Healthcare... Read more

Wed, 02/07/2018 - 17:30

A new paper by the team at USC provides evidence for the role of pericyte cells in small vessel disease and Alzheimers disease. 

This research shows that a loss of cells within the small blood vessel walls (pericytes) results in white matter damage. This process appears to involve fibrinogen accumulation - treating mice to reduce fibrinogen deposits reduced white matter damage.  

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Wed, 02/07/2018 - 17:23

A recent study published in Nature Neuroscience which concludes that high dietary saly intake has detrimental effects on brain health in mice. High intake of salt resulted in reduced cerebral blood flow and cognitive dysfunction. This study emphasises the need for further clinical research to fully understand the effect... Read more

Tue, 11/14/2017 - 09:18

Edinburgh student Sophie Quick has written a blog post on her experience of starting a PhD in the field of SVD research. 

Sophie and her dog Manohar 

Meeting at the blood-brain barrier 

A close-minded approach will not improve my study of... Read more

Thu, 11/09/2017 - 14:12

On 30th October, UCL hosted a symposium on brain clearance featuring sessions on perivascular clearance, glymphatics and brain lymphatics. Maiken Nedergaard, member of our Fondation Leducq funded network, gave an update on her work on the glymphatic system. Watch her talk, and others including Jeffrey Iliff and Roy Weller... Read more

Thu, 11/09/2017 - 12:17

Several postdoc positions are available with Professor Serge Charpak and his team in the laboratory of neurophysiology and new microscopy in Paris.  The candidates should have a background in synaptic and cellular electrophysiology, in in vitro... Read more
